Dr Y.S. (Mick) Bakhle MA DPhil DSc

Dr Y.S. (Mick) Bakhle MA DPhil DSc


Dr Y.S. (Mick) Bakhle MA DPhil DSc HonFBPhS


NHLI, Imperial College London

Year elected:


Primary professional setting:


I read Chemistry, took Chemical Pharmacology as a Supplementary Subject and went on to a DPhil in the Department of Pharmacology, at Oxford. After two post-doctoral years as a Fulbright Fellow at Yale, I joined the Department of Pharmacology at the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) in London in 1965, working with John Vane and was appointed Reader in Biochemical Pharmacology in 1980. After nearly 30 years at the RCS, I moved to the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College, where I am now a Honorary Senior Research Fellow. I served on the BPS Committee as a non-official member from 1981-1984. I was involved in three Surveys of Pharmacology commissioned by the BPS and published in the BJP. I was a Senior Editor of the BJP (2001-2006) and am now Press Editor for the BJP.